
Enrollment 1.5

Enrollment 1.5 is a partial Angular upgrade. It will consolidate the sponsor, country, main form, and additional/autoship item selection pages into one accordion style user experience.  This project does not include a rewrite of the checkout page, but will include UI improvements to match the overall user experience.

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Rep Search Plugin

The Rep Search Plugin for WordPress allows users to search for a representative using a reps name or the users location.  The Search returns up to 100 results based on the closest configuration match. Once the user has selected a rep, the website replicates to that selected rep and all shopping and enrollment links are associated with the selected rep.

Learn more and download the plugin at Contact us if you do not already have a password to the site.

Checkout 1.5

Checkout 1.5 is a visual update to the current checkout flow. These updates include stepped progression bars, a Total Summary Box and various other visual updates. All checkout functionality and core code remains the same. To switch to Checkout 1.5, contact

View the Completed Updates

Promotion Upsells

Customer promotions assists your company in increasing your average cart order.  The Promotion Upsell project brings visibility to your user as to what promotions you are currently running and how close the user is to adding additional savings to their order.

This project is currently split into two phases:

  1. Promotional Flyout Banner to tell users what promotions you are running
  2. Dynamic Promotions to tell customers how close they are to savings and what savings have been reached and applied.

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Rep Enrollment Process 2.0

Rep Enrollment 2.0 is a full angular upgrade of the existing enrollment form. The upgrade creates a stepped process, so your users are more likely to commit to finishing the application. It also features a “cart like” kit/product selection and is mobile responsive.

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Cart Enhancement – AutoShip Enrollment

This project adds AutoShip Enrollment to the Cart Product Details pages. Customers can add additional products to existing AutoShip Profiles or Create New Profiles within the same shopping/checkout session.


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